June 20th International Surfing Day

June 20th – International Surfing Day

This day was created in 1993 by Surfing Magazine and the Surfrider Foundation. It honors all those dudes, and dudettes, that hang ten on those gnarly waves that crash ashore from the sea. It always falls on the third Saturday in June. There is an entire culture that lives the surfing lifestyle. They are normally found on the beach, either morning or night. We associate bonfires and bottles of beer, long haired dudes and wet suits with surfing. Normally surfers are found on the coasts, Iowa (for example) isn’t called home to too many surfers. Oddly, this carefree lifestyle is not cheap with the average surfboard costing $300.00 (there are many higher priced than that).

How to celebrate – Start surfing.  Just hang out at the beach and pretend you are a surfer. Go to a Beach Boys concert.

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