January 31st Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art takes on many different forms and whether it’s your cup of tea of not doesn’t matter. Today is your chance to inspire your heart, with art others have created, or you create yourself. Whether it is a painting, sculpture, music, poem, drawing, or even the beauty you find in just looking at the sky, get inspired by it. Think of other things you might be able to do, or other people you might be able to inspire. Today isn’t really about how well you do something, it’s more about the way you see it. Remember those drawings you did as a child, gave to your mother, and she put on the ice box? Well to her that was a great piece of art. She may not have known what it was that you were making but she was inspired by the fact that you made it at all.

How to celebrate – Go to an Art Exhibit. See the art in everything around you. Help someone create what they may not be able to create on their own.

April 1st International Fun at Work Day

Don’t you really wish that everyday was Fun at Work Day? I do. And now it’s available to you… so have some fun! It is April Fool’s Day as well so you should be able to get away with just about anything! We here at Unboxing the Bizarre are going to have a party, of sorts. We are going to party at work all day long! First, because we believe it’s better to work in a fun environment and second, because it’s our CEO’s birthday! Talk about your April Fools Day! (Not that they are a fool but, well… you know) Anyway, do whatever you can to make your day at work more fun for yourself, and those around you. The day will go faster and you might actually find yourself getting more accomplished!

How to celebrate – Go in to work today with the attitude of having fun. Find the good in the work you do. Make everyone’s day little better by finding a way to make their day more fun. (Games, contests, poems, etc.)

September 15th Make A Hat Day

What is more useful than a hat? They shade your eyes, cool down your head and make a fashion statement. They also block others view, hit others in the head and take up a lot of room, though none of that really counts. Well today is your opportunity to create your own hat, something I am sure you have always wanted to do but were waiting for permission.


While most of us like to wear hats there are those among us that would prefer not to. They do give you hat head and sometimes say the wrong thing about you. Still, where would baseball be without hats, or football (Although those are helmets). And though it may give you hat head it does keep your hair in place during a storm.


Now no one said your hat had to be pretty, or even functional. There are those in society that wish they had been born a peacock and by fashioning their own hat, they may almost succeed. They do not need to be water proof, though it helps, they don’t have to keep the sun out of your eyes, but then what’s the point?


Other hats are great for camouflage. The army found great use for this and women who like to hide among fields of flowers. (Or men if that’s your thing) When you wear a hat like the one above, it’s very important that you are able to conceal yourself.

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There are many things to consider when making your own hat. Is it big enough for your head? Does it go with the rest of your outfit? Will it cause others discomfort?

How to celebrate – Make your own hat. Make matching hats for the rest of your family and watch their eyes light up! (Ya, right) Find the most hideous hat you can find and wear it all day.