August 19 World Honey Bee Day

🌍🐝 Get Ready to Bee Amazed: World Honey Bee Day on August 19th! 🐝🌍

Hey there, nature enthusiasts and bee admirers from all corners of the globe! 🌿🌎 Get your bee suits ready and let’s come together to celebrate the tiny yet extraordinary heroes of our ecosystem – the honey bees! 🎉

Did you know that these incredible creatures fly over 55,000 miles and visit a staggering 2,000 flowers just to produce one pound of their golden, liquid gold – honey? 🌼🍯 It’s truly mind-boggling how much effort they put into their sweet creation, and we can’t help but be in awe of their dedication!

Mark your calendars and set your alarms because World Honey Bee Day is just around the corner, on August 19th! 🗓️ This global celebration is a testament to the vital role honey bees play in our lives and the environment. So, let’s spread the buzz and show our love and appreciation for these little pollinators. 🌸🐝

Who’s joining the hive? 🏡 Whether you’re a seasoned beekeeper or just a curious observer, this day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about these fascinating creatures and their impact on our world.

Indulge in the gift of nature’s sweetness by enjoying some delicious honey! 🍯 Drizzle it on your pancakes, blend it into your smoothies, or simply relish it by the spoonful. Let your taste buds embark on a journey of honey heaven! 😋

And let’s not forget about creating a bee-friendly world! 🌷 Plant bee-attracting flowers and trees, and let your garden bloom with vibrant colors, offering a delightful feast for our buzzing buddies. Together, we can make a real difference in supporting their survival and protecting our environment.

Dear honey bees, we’ve got a helpful tip for you too! 🌟 On this special day, try to find flowers and plants nearer to your hive, so you can have a shorter flight and conserve your precious energy for your pollination and honey-making endeavors! 🌼🐝

So, gather your friends, family, and communities, because World Honey Bee Day is not just a celebration, it’s a call to action! 🙌 Let’s create a global buzz, raise awareness about the importance of honey bees, and take steps towards safeguarding their future.

Join us on August 19th, and together, we’ll make this World Honey Bee Day a truly memorable and impactful event for these marvelous pollinators! 🌍🎊🐝

June 12th Red Rose Day

All roses are beautiful, just the red ones seem even more beautiful, smell better and mean more than the other roses. They are supposed to mean love. White stands for purity, yellow for being positive, ivory is gratefulness and orange is for desire. While each means something different they all stand for love in at least some way. So why not use red for whatever message you want to send, Or send a rainbow of roses to cover nearly every feeling you have!

How to celebrate – Plant a garden of red roses. Send someone you love some red roses. Tell someone how you feel with roses. (But make sure they aren’t allergic to them first.)

May 30th Water A Flower Day

If you like having flowers in your yard you’ll need to water them. Yes, May showers help but you will need to give a little added water to ensure they continue to grow. think of it as giving them a meal once a day, or every couple of days. (You do have to be careful because you can over water your plants as well) Flowers give you a better outlook on life when you see their beautiful colors and smell the fragrance they give. They remind us all of the better things in life and are often used as symbols of our love for someone. It takes so little to keep flowers alive and healthy that it is a shame to let them perish just because of a lack of a little water.

How to celebrate – Plant a flower garden. Water your flowers. Scatter seeds to let your flowers grow wild.

April 29th Greenery Day

Today we celebrate Japanese Emperor Hirohito’s death in 1989 after living for 88 years in love with nature and wishing to commune with nature at every opportunity, which was pretty easy for the Emperor of Japan since they were expected to do little else. However Hirohito did truly love nature and all that goes along with it. It’s a little odd that they waited until he died to honor him with his greatest love of life.

How to celebrate – Spend the day with nature. Tend your garden. Visit Japan.

March 12th Plant A Flower Day

Winter is finally over; it was beautiful while it was here but it’s time to add some color back into our lives and perhaps the best way to do that is to plant some flowers. What a wonderful way to add that color and to make the world smell nice again after the bleakness of winter. It sort of makes you feel alive again, seeing things grow around you, blossom and bloom.

How to celebrate – Plant your favorite flowers. Plant an entire flower garden. Take pictures of the flowers’ progress as they grow.

February 28th Floral Design Day

Floral design has been with us for quite some time, some by design, some by nature and some by mistake. It does bring color into what might otherwise be a drab existence although sometimes it can be drab in it’s own right, examine camoflauge uniforms as they are made up of a floral design! The day was created by Mass, governor William F. Weld in 1995 in honor of Carl Rittner who opened the Rittner School of Floral Design.

How to celebrate – Check out all the different forms of floral designs. Check into the Rittner School in Boston. Enjoy your own floral designs.

June 12th Red Rose Day

Want to tell someone you love them? Probably the best way, without actually saying it, is by sending them red roses. Beyond that, they look beautiful in gardens or bushes lined up against a house and smell wonderful as well. There are numerous colors for numerous sentiments, and even different arrangements using fully flowered roses or rose buds meaning different things as well. There are poems about roses, songs about roses and even pictures of roses but nothing beats the real thing.

How to celebrate – Plant a rose bush. Send someone you love roses. Learn about all the different colors of roses and what they mean.

May 1st May Day

It is appropriate that we celebrate May Day, the first day of May! It is a celebration of Spring and all the good things in life as the world becomes green again, fills with flowers and brings us out of a cold, dark winter. It is also Labor Day in all but three countries of the world, (Or I should say 140 countries of the world) that is unless it falls on a weekend day which the holiday is then pushed to the next Monday. So maybe it’s May Day, and maybe it’s not! Oh, and those three countries that celebrate Labor Day separately have all placed their Labor Days in September and they are the US, Canada and Bermuda.

How to celebrate – Welcome Spring. Break out the summer clothes and put away the winter ones. Celebrate Labor Day if you live in one of those countries that celebrate it the first of May.

March 28th Weed Appreciation Day

We spend most of our time trying to get rid of the weeds that fill our yards, gardens and even the cracks in a sidewalk. The fact is that some weeds are edible, can provide some medicinal elements and herbal benefits. In fact, a plant growing in the crack of a sidewalk is consider a weed even if it is a regular plant we want in our garden. Weeds can also be damaging to other plants cutting them off from the elements they require to grow.

How to celebrate – Learn what weeds you can eat and make a salad out of them. Plant a weed only garden. Learn how to determine what is a weed and what isn’t.

March 12th Plant A Flower Day

With winter on it’s way out and spring on the way in, it’s time to think about planting things that make our lives more beautiful and rewarding. Since the general act of growing most flowers is relatively simple it is a great way to brighten up our yards and put a smile on someone’s face. That’s not to say it doesn’t require some care and effort, planting anything takes at least a little care, watering and weeding. But with just a little effort on our part, we can add to the beauty of life and make the world a better place to live.

How to celebrate – Plant some flowers today. Make sure the ground isn’t frozen. Tend your garden.